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About Rachel Roberts

Rachel Roberts is a home chef and lifelong Houstonian who lives her life according to her motto, “Eat Clean, Drink a Little Dirty.”


Rachel’s mother was a strong Italian woman born in Pietrasanta, Italy. She created magical dishes and treated everyday like Thanksgiving. Rachel’s father, a country boy, from Texarkana was always outside at the grill smoking brisket. Rachel still celebrates each day by using the finer things in life; use the fine china, get out the silverware! Life is short; wear the diamonds to the grocery store!


Rachel always says, “Eat What You Grow!” Her creations are inspired by all the beautiful produce and flowers growing fresh in her garden. The beautiful traditions, flavors, and colors of her heritage are woven into the tapestry of her lifestyle. This is a life worth sharing, and her love is sharing it with the world.

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